Thursday, May 13, 2010

春江花月夜 by 童麗 (A Moonlit Night On The Spring River)

Artist: 童麗 (Tong, Li)
春江花月夜 (Lyrics)

春江潮水連海平, 海上明月共潮生。
灩灩隨波千萬里, 何處春江無月明。
江流宛轉繞芳甸, 月照花林皆似霰。
空里流光不覺飛, 汀上白沙看不見。
江天一色無纖塵; 皎皎空中孤月輪。
江畔何人初見月, 江月何年初照人。
人生代代無窮矣, 江月年年只相似。
不知江月待何人, 但見長江送流水。
白云一片去悠悠, 清楓浦上不勝愁。
誰家今夜扁舟子, 何處相思明月樓。
可憐樓上月徘徊, 應照離人妝鏡台。
玉戶簾中卷不去, 搗衣砧上復還來。
此時相望不相聞, 愿逐月華流照君。
鴻燕長飛光不渡, 魚龍潛躍水成紋。
昨夜閑潭夢落花, 可憐春半不還家。
江水流春去欲盡, 江潭落月復西斜。
斜月沉沉藏海霧, 碣石瀟湘無限路。
不知乘月幾人歸, 落月搖情滿江樹。

A Moonlit Night On The Spring River
In spring the river rises as high as the sea,
And with the river's rise the moon uprises bright.
She follows the rolling waves for ten thousand li,
And where the river flows, there overflows her light.
The river winds around the fragrant islet where
The blooming flowers in her light all look like snow.
You cannot tell her beams from hoar frost in the air,
Nor from white sand upon Farewell Beach below.
No dust has stained the water blending with the skies;
A lonely wheel like moon shines brilliant far and wide.
Who by the riverside first saw the moon arise?
When did the moon first see a man by riverside?
Ah, generations have come and pasted away;
From year to year the moons look alike, old and new.
We do not know tonight for whom she sheds her ray,
But hear the river say to its water adieu.
Away, away is sailing a single cloud white;
On Farewell Beach pine away maples green.
Where is the wanderer sailing his boat tonight?
Who, pining away, on the moonlit rails would learn?
Alas! The moon is lingering over the tower;
It should have seen the dressing table of the fair.
She rolls the curtain up and light comes in her bower;
She washes but can't wash away the moonbeams there.
She sees the moon, but her beloved is out of sight;
She'd follow it to shine on her beloved one's face.
But message-bearing swans can't fly out of moonlight,
Nor can letter-sending fish leap out of their place.
Last night he dreamed that falling flowers would not stay.
Alas! He can't go home, although half spring has gone.
The running water bearing spring will pass away;
The moon declining over the pool will sink anon.
The moon declining sinks into a heavy mist;
It's a long way between southern rivers and eastern seas.
How many can go home by moonlight who are missed?
The sinking moon sheds yearning o'er riverside trees.


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